Welcome to Vendramini & Associates - IG Wealth Management

Financially comfortable Canadians have unique and special needs when it comes to wealth management, financial planning and investing. The support and expertise we offer are designed with this in mind. Our team works primarily with affluent families, business owners, executives, retirees and high-income professionals.

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About Us

Welcome to Vendramini & Associates Private Wealth Management. We are a team of financial professionals who are committed to guiding Canadians toward their financial goals. 

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Our Approach

We will build your plan always to reflect your changing needs and inspire confidence in your complete financial well-being. Our proactive and synchronized approach is based on experience and insights gained in serving a variety of clients over the years. 

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Who We Serve

Whether you are recently retired or have a growing business, we take a holistic approach to your overall financial well-being. Our clients and their families are at the heart of everything we do, every day. 

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Our Team

Associate Consultant, Financial Security Advisor, Advisor in Group-Insurance Plans, Mutual Fund Representative

I’ve been fortunate to be able to count on Marco’s good advice for over 15 years. Over the years, I’ve always appreciated not only his talents as a financial planner but also his exceptional commitment to clients’ well-being. Every one of his interventions shows that he fully understands clients’ aspirations and concerns and contributes in his own way to helping them achieve their goals. His human qualities make him a highly valuable person, and his knowledge makes him a partner in my financial success and my quality of life. Never, over all these years, have I felt harassed by a salesman pushing his own agenda, and Marco has never hidden when the markets didn’t materialize. This has greatly contributed to our truly unique bond of trust. I must also mention the quality of his team and their devotion to clients, which mirrors Marco’s commitment.

Gabriel B.

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IG Living Plan

Are you on track to meet your financial goals? Answer the questions in our IG Living Plan Snapshot to find out.

Create a Financial Plan for Life’s ‘What Ifs?’

Imagine a holistic financial plan that can test and adapt to your ‘what if’ questions.

Sustainable Investing

Since 1926, IG Wealth Management has been developing innovative ways to responsibly invest our clients’ capital in order to maximize their investment returns.